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VA Aid and Attendance Benefit
Eligibility Check

Do You Meet the “3-Ms” to Qualify?

To qualify for the VA pension with Aid and Attendance, a veteran or veteran’s surviving spouse will need to meet the following criteria:

1) Military: Are you a veteran or the surviving spouse of a veteran who served at least 90 days on active duty, at least one day during wartime, with an honorable or general discharge? (Persian Gulf War veterans must have two years of active duty or the full period for which they were called for active duty.)

2) Medical: Do you have a non-service connected medical condition causing you to need assistance with activities of daily living?

3) Money: Do you have a net worth at or less than $159,239? (VA net worth limit established by Congress 12.2024) A primary residence and auto are not counted as part of net worth. Ongoing non-reimbursable medical and long-term care expenses may reduce your countable income.


VA Aid and Attendance Benefit
Eligibility Check

The veteran must have served at least 90 days active duty service.

The veteran must have received an honorable, general, or medical, discharge.

The veteran must have served at least one day of active duty wartime service, even if not in combat.

Qualifying wartime periods:

  • World War II: December 7,1941 through December, 31 1946

  • Korean Conflict: June 27, 1950 through January 31, 1955

  • Vietnam Era: August 5, 1964 through May 7, 1975

  • Veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam: February 28, 1961 through August 4, 1964

Health – the veteran, spouse, or surviving spouse must require assistance with multiple activities of daily living OR require a protected environment for their own safety due to physical or cognitive issues such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, COPD, diabetes, arthritis, CHF, or other health/medical issues.

Activities of Daily Living: Bathing, dressing/undressing, ambulation (walking), transferring, toileting, personal hygiene, eating/drinking (not meal prep)

Incomeif the applicant’s unreimbursed medical expenses are MORE than their income, the veteran or surviving spouse will qualify for the maximum Aid and Attendance benefit if otherwise eligible. If medical expenses are LESS than income, the applicant may still be eligible for a partial benefit.

Net Worth – the VA permits applicants for Aid and Attendance benefits to have net worth of $150,538 and still qualify for benefits. Most families have qualifying net worth or can become eligible with planning. The primary residence is an exempt asset until it is sold. 

For Surviving Spouses 

Marriage – this criterion only applies to surviving spouses applying for benefits. The marriage to the veteran must have ended in death and the surviving spouse cannot have remarried OR the marriage must have ended in death and subsequent marriages by the surviving spouse must have started and ended between: 01/01/1971 and 11/01/1990.

Careworthy Home Care Services can help you confirm eligibility and apply for benefits. Contact us today for more information.



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